Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Working Group (A2IWG)

Kickoff Workshop

Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Working Group (A2IWG)

Kickoff Workshop

Dates: July 23–24, 2020
Location: Virtual Workshop (DoD CVR Teams meeting information emailed to registrants who are Government or Government Contractors)
Registration: Registration is Now Closed
Steering Lead: Dr. Jill Crisman, Technical Director for Artificial Intelligence, OUSD (R&E)
A2IWG Chair: (TBD)

Main Kick–Off Agenda

The main kick–off event will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams / Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) Environment over two days from July 23rd to July 24th. Discussions will be organized into three topics and held in a series. A tentative schedule is provided below.

Schedule Update: One of the breakout sessions was dropped. The remaining three sessions are now being held sequentially.

Day 1 — Thursday, July 23 Schedule

Time Activity
0845 Arrival / Sign–in
0900 Welcome / Introductory Remarks
0915 Keynote — by Dr. Jill Crisman, Technical Director for Artificial Intelligence OUSD(R&E)
1000 IDA Briefing on A2I/AML
1030 Break
1045 DoD/IC A2I Activity Introductions
1130 Introduce Breakout Session Topics
1200 Lunch
1300 Initial Topic 1 (AI Trusted Robustness) Group Discussion
1400 Break
1410 Initial Topic 2 (AI System Security) Group Discussion
1510 Break
1520 Initial Topic 3 (A2I Foundational Gaps) Group Discussion
1620 Concluding remarks
1630 Conclude

Day 2 — Friday, July 24 Schedule

Time Activity
0845 Arrival / Sign-in
0900 Welcome / Introductory Remarks
0915 Keynote — by Dr. Daniel Ragsdale, Assistant Director for Cyber OUSD(R&E)
1000 Recap Day 1 Topic 1 (AI Trusted Robustness) Group Discussion
1030 Continue Topic 1 (AI Trusted Robustness) Group Discussion
1130 Lunch
1230 Recap Day 1 Topic 2 (AI System Security) Group Discussion
1300 Continue Topic 2 (AI System Security) Group Discussion
1400 Break
1410 Recap Day 1 Topic 3 (A2I Foundational Gaps) Group Discussion
1440 Continue Topic 3 (A2I Foundational Gaps) Group Discussion
1540 Concluding Remarks
1600 Conclude

Disclaimer for Participation in Discussions

The event is held at an Unclassified level where material, content and discussions are restricted to Distribution C (Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors; Critical Technology; 16 July 2020). Classified discussions will be held during other events in the future.

Microsoft Teams has additional restrictions that prevent discussing or presenting: Controlled Technical Information (CTI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or anything above the classification of the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

Information that cannot be discussed during the event:
  • Classified information
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Controlled Technical Information (CTI)
  • Department of Defense (DoD) only information
  • Government only information

Examples of information that can be discussed during the event:
  • High–level conceptual information
  • Controlled Unclassified Information that is not CTI, PII or for government only
  • Public information from industry, academia, research institutions, etc.
  • Information that has been approved for public release
  • Otherwise uncontrolled and unclassified information


    Key Outcomes from WG and Kick-Off Event:

  • Information Sharing

  • Community Awareness

  • Networking/Collaboration Opportunities

  • Initialize the Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Working Group


Other A2IWG information can be found in documents posted on this event website: https://a2iwg.ida.org/

Microsoft Teams and Phone Line information will be sent out prior to the event to those that have registered.

Kick–Off Breakout Session Topics

Below are proposed breakout session topics. These topics will be further refined and scoped during our pre–kick–off event series. Definitions below are simply starting points and are flexible and subject to change.

Topic 1: AI Trusted Robustness

  • Robustness Metrics/Certifications

  • AI Trustworthiness

  • Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Test and Evaluation

  • How should these results be certified?

  • Is there a one–size–fits–all approach to metrics or will there be many approaches? If there are many approaches, how will the appropriate one be selected?

  • Subgroup discovery — data mining technique — a finer grained analysis on models and their features — avoid using high level metrics such as accuracy

  • What specific questions are test and evaluation teams going to need answered?

  • How does this relate to explainable AI? Improved understanding of how features and labels map to each other will make it easier to predict what type of A2I/AML risks may be present.

  • How does this relate to ethical AI? Possibility to leverage metrics

  • Probability of attack success? (Pseudo–Non–Deterministic models vs Static–Deterministic Models)

  • Results that guide stakeholders into making effective decisions. Do not want to steer them away from good products when the risk is acceptable.

  • How should this be factored into the Authority to Operate (ATO) process? Should products need to be reassessed when this is added?

  • Impact on decision support

  • Assessing software supply chain — Software composition analysis (Github repos, Docker/Kubernetes containers) (Tampering with math/algorithms such as optimizers)

  • Which A2I/AML methods should be used to assess a model? Should there be specific methods to assess the effectiveness of various defenses?

  • Assessing data supply chain (Source of data, trustworthiness of source, data provenance) (Chain of custody throughout entire machine learning workflow/life–cycle)

  • Defense through obscurity is not viable

Topic 2: AI System Security

  • Algorithmic Robustness

  • Secure System Engineering

    • Monitor and Track Requests
    • Monitor Streaming Data
    • Obfuscate Predictions
    • Knowledge framework for modeling threats
    • Knowledge framework for modeling potential impact and risk to systems
    • Assessing data supply chain (Source of data, trustworthiness of source, data provenance) (Chain of custody throughout entire machine learning workflow/life–cycle)
    • An example from industry: Microsoft Blog — Threat Modeling AI/ML Systems and Dependencies

Topic 3: Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Foundational Gaps

  • AI model characteristics exploited by adversarial attacks

    • Model differentiability
    • Feature Selection
    • Richness of model output
    • Transfer learning
  • Adversarial Robustness and explainable AI

    • Adversarial examples are bugs or features?
    • Gap between human and machine perception
  • Adversarial AI for supervised approaches (Mullin)

    • Feature Collision
    • Convex Polytope
    • Clean Label Backdoor
    • Hidden Trigger Backdoor
  • Adversarial AI for anomaly detection approaches

    • Self–supervised learning (e.g., NLP)
    • Unsupervised learning (e.g., Clustering)
    • Evasion
    • Data poisoning
  • Adversarial AI for Reinforcement Learning

    • Dependent on simulated environments
    • Influence action path of RL system
    • Adversarial policies
  • Model Decay vs. Model Attack

    • Online Learning
    • A/B Testing
  • Real world attacks — model or hardware

    • Electromagnetic
    • Visual spoofing
    • Anomaly normalization
  • Risk Evaluation & Mitigation of model failure

    • Ensemble
    • Hidden models
    • Orthogonal mode pairing